Utilize the VFR Navigation Log for your cross country planning
Canadian Flight Plan & Flight Itinerary
Utilize the Flight Plan & Itinerary for your cross country planning, and when filing your flight plan with Nav Canada.
Utilize the Takeoff & Landing Distance Form for your Multi – Engine flight planning
Utilize the Navigation Log for your IFR Flight Planning.
Preparing for the Transport Canada Instrument Rating (INRAT) Written Exam?
We have teamed up with INRAT Exam Prep!
Utilize the tools below for your flight planning:
Nav Canada: Collaborative Flight Planning Services
To File a Flight Plan: EDMONTON FIC – 1 866 WX-BRIEF (992-7433)
Utilize the POH for information pertaining to (but not limited to) flight planning by use of performance charts, aircraft limitations & emergency procedures.
DA42 AFM Ice Protection System Supplement
DA42 AFM Continuous Flow Oxygen System Supplement
DA42 AFM G1000 Synthetic Vision Technology Supplement
Utilize the POH for information pertaining to (but not limited to) flight planning by use of performance charts, aircraft limitations & emergency procedures.
Utilize the POH for information pertaining to (but not limited to) flight planning by use of performance charts, aircraft limitations & emergency procedures.
– Students will learn how to correctly search and interpret the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), and how it applies to flight operations.
– Students will understand how human factors affect flight safety and apply good pilot decision-making skills on the ground and in-flight.
– Students will understand the effects of weather and atmosphere on aircraft operations.
– Students should be able interpret NavCanada weather products and identify the hazards of operating in adverse weather conditions such as icing, turbulence and thunderstorms
– Students will understand the theory and methodology of VFR Flight Planning.
– Students will effectively utilize aeronautical maps and charts and apply their knowledge to plan their own VFR flight routes, navigation logs and ICAO flight plans
– Students will be able to explain aircraft components and systems, and how to prevent and compensate for in-flight failures and emergencies
– Students will understand the function and use of flight instruments, including Radio Navigation Aids, GPS and autopilot
– Students will understand the theory of flight exercises and how aerodynamics apply to aircraft performance
– Students will be able to explain and apply legal and practical requirements for flight, as well as understand the effects of various environmental conditions on flight performance.
– Students will understand and apply the mathematical skills and techniques for the safe operation of aircraft in all phases of flight
– Students will understand the properties of the physical forces that affect aircraft in all phases of flight.
– Students will complete the Transport Canada ground and flight requirements and obtain a Night Rating
– Students will learn about advanced illusions and Human Factors applicable to flights at night
– This course focuses on the navigational aspects of aircraft operations.
– Students will complete Transport Canada cross-country flight training requirements required to hold a Commercial Pilot’s license
– Students will learn the applicable Canadian Aviation Regulations which apply to Commercial Aviation Operations
– Students will complete Transport Canada cross-country flight training requirements required to hold an Instrument Rating
– Students will apply Radio Navigation and GNSS/GPS cross country flying techniques.
– Students will analyze past aviation incidents and accidents, determining the impact and underlying root causes of human and pilot decision making errors
– Students will evaluate various flight scenarios and identify risks and safety hazards that may affect safe operations using practical scenarios.
– Students will understand the principles of multi-engine aerodynamics, minimum controllable airspeed, and systems commonly found on multi-engine aircraft
– Students will learn the Transport Canada Regulations and Standards pertinent to flying multi engine aircraft in instrument conditions
– Students will learn aircraft systems for a specific advanced multi engine aircraft.
– Students will complete simulator training towards the completion of a multi-engine and instrument rating in accordance with Transport Canada requirements
– Students will learn standard operating procedures and cockpit callouts in a two-crew environment.
– Students will learn crew resource management techniques and safety management systems.
– Students will work together in pairs to successfully complete IFR flight training in a two-crew simulator.
– Students will apply crew resource management techniques and safety management systems.
– Students will complete the Transport Canada Multi Engine (Integrated) skill requirements and obtain a Multi-Engine Rating
– Students will complete the Transport Canada Instrument Rating (Integrated) skill requirements and obtain an Instrument Rating.